Courses Offered

  1. B.Com.
  2. BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
  3. BCA (Bachelor Of Computer Aplications)
  4. B.Sc.(Non Medical With Computer Science)
  5. B.Sc.(Non Medical)
  6. B.Sc.(Medical)
  7. Bachelors of Tourism & Management (BTM)
  8. B.A. in Mass Communication (BAMC)
  9. B.A. (General) Started from session 2021-22
  10. B.A. (Hons. English)Started from session 2021-22
  11. M.Com.
  12. M.Sc. (Maths)
  13. M.A. (English)Started from session 2021-22

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1 Seniority List of Faculty 05/06/2023 View
2 Department Wise Faculty List 05/06/2023 View